The morning toilet queue on our boat! Success!!

Generally we humans don’t spend much time analysing and discussing our own toileting habits, but as mums and dads of dogs who sail we spend countless hours analysing and worrying about the how’s, why’s and why not’s of our dogs being able to go to the toilet on the boat. We wait, we watch, we pray…

When finally there is success, there is much enthusiastic celebration. A member from our facebook group recently posted a photo of a little “present” left by his dog on the toileting mat on his boat. We all Liked it and made comments of congratulations to the owner and praise to the dog!  Only in a dogs who sail community would people understand the significance of such an event.

I too have spent a lot of time mulling over Maxy and Mel’s toilet schedule. Passages are planned around this. Silent calculations in my mind of how many hours it’s been since they last went. Getting up in the wee hours of the morning or pitch blackness of the middle of the night, freezing cold, blustery wind and pouring rain; this is what we do to ensure our dogs go to the toilet on the boat.

There have been times when that strong southerly has been howling through, floating up the pee mat like a magic carpet and then showering it’s contents all over me. Oh yes, this is a truth that I will only share with you. I hope this article will ease some of these concerns for you and if at the very least shield you from unfortunate sprays from The Pee Mat.

We can make lighthearted jokes about it but the truth is, this topic really does cause a lot of sailing doggy parents a lot of worry.

I will mention at this point that there are many, many dogs who take to toileting on the boat without any problem whatsoever and this may never be a concern for you. A lot of dogs are fine too after a little bit of training and time. Nevertheless it is possibly the most asked question when you consider having a dog onboard.

It is a multi-faceted topic so I will break the discussion down into three separate posts which will cover the following:

1. Your dogs new onboard toilet. What are your options?

2.  How do I get my dog to go to the toilet on board? Tips and tricks.

3. What else can I do if my dog just won’t go to the toilet on board our boat?

No information shared in these articles is intended to be distasteful.  We ask you to read with an open mind and consider all possibilities.  We will be sharing with you how we have managed the toileting issue with Maxy and Mel and also other suggestions from our online community, vet and pet store advice that was offered as an option to us.

As always, keep an eye on your dog and seek a consultation with a vet if your dog has prolonged constipation or diarrhea or any other unusual symptoms.

Let’s begin!

Click here for: Your dogs new onboard toilet. What are your options?