Safety Onboard

How To Prevent Your Dog Getting Heat Stroke On A Boat

What Is Heat Stroke?   Heat stroke also know as heat stress occurs when the generation of heat exceeds the body’s ability to lose heat. Generally speaking, heat stress is a condition experienced more in the warmer months of the year…

Importing Dogs Into St Vincent & The Grenadines

Thanks to our Dogs Who Sail member Samantha A who has kindly shared the latest information she has received from Dr. Malaika Glasgow, Veterinary Officer, St. Vincent & the Grenadines. Also a big thankyou to Dr Glasgow…

Dogs on Boats - First Aid Kit

By Tanya Rabe You have one for yourself and your crew so why not have a First Aid Kit for Fido? First Aid is help given to a sick or injured dog until full veterinarian treatment is available. On land, if our dog falls ill or is hurt,…

Lifeline Netting Installation

Maxy feeling so relaxed knowing he is safe with lifeline netting installed. One safety measure I have sworn by as a liveaboard dog owner is lifeline netting. It isn't guaranteed protection but it significantly minimises the risk of a…

10 Tips to Help You Find The Pawfect Dog Lifejacket

Like many of you with dogs, I regarded Maxy and Mel as my fur-kids. If anything happened to either of them, especially from my carelessness, I would live with the heavy burden of regret to my last day. They deserve the same safety measures as I apply to myself, our crew and guests so my first purchase for them was a dog lifejacket.

Need Some Landtime?

As fulltime liveaboards who spend a good part of the year in the marina, it is therapeutic to get away on a regular basis to enjoy some landtime. For anyone visiting South East Queensland or Northern New South Wales, I’d like to share…