
There are times when a dog will come along who will remind us of the greatness of life and of truly wonderful, kind, open-hearted human beings.  Meet this remarkable pair, Sailor and Karen.

At four weeks of age Sailor had been separated from her maternal mother and placed in a kill shelter in Tennessee. Through routine examinations, the shelter discovered that Sailor and her siblings had Parvovirus and upper respiratory infections and the only outcome the shelter could afford was to have the dogs euthanised.

By some divine twist of fate, another shelter based in New York rescued Sailor and her family.  All the puppies were given treatment to combat their infections and soon enough Sailor was in good recovery and ready for adoption.  Along came Karen, a solo sailor looking for a crew member, but not your typical crew, Karen was after the furry four-legged K9 kind.

Sailor’s destiny had completely turned around.  With the love and devotion of Karen, she was on the road to strong physical and emotional recovery and together they would set sail to beautiful worldly destinations.

Dear Sailor and Karen, we salute you.

Doggy Name: Sailor

Doggy Breed: Texas Heeler rescue 

Doggy Age: 2.5 years old

Years Sailing: 2 years

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